How to Know if it’s Time to Have Your Siding Replaced

Your siding protects your house from wind, water, and other harm, and it can also add to or detract from the curb appeal, depending on the color and what kind of shape it’s in. You may not think about your siding that much, but it’s important that you...

10 Ways James Hardie Siding is the Best

Your home’s siding doesn’t necessarily survive for the life of the structure. More often, it can use a good update every 20 years or so. In other words, you’d be smart to update your siding and protect your home’s efficiency and the interior on a timely basis. And...

Imagine What We Can Do For You

We love what we do and it shows in every job. Imagine what we can do for you! Replacement siding and windows can transform your home into something beautiful and...

Why We Can Offer Lower Prices

Darryl Pearce went into business for himself in 1993, in part because he was determined to give customers a better experience than was the norm with gimmicky, high-pressure sales. He was able to see multiple ways to save the customer money, as well as give them much...

What to Expect From Our Estimate Process

The window estimate process is one of the main reasons owner Darryl Pearce went out on his own, after eight years in an the industry. “We were trained to memorize a three-hour presentation, disguised as a promotional offer, in a ‘one-call’ close. The customer had to...